Why Japan? 「なぜ日本へ?」
People always ask me why I went Japan in the first place. Was it anime or manga that sparked my interest? Was it something else?
Every time someone asks me this question, I cringe. You see, I don’t have an answer. I didn’t have to choose Japan. There was no strong connection. But, I knew that it was a good decision for my future. A diamond does not grow without pressure, and humans do not grow without discomfort.
My parents told me that I could go to Japan only if I made it happen on my own. They would not pay or support in any other way. So, I made it my mission to show them that I could do it. I would raise the money and go. I wrote to local businesses asking them for bottles to collect that I could turn in for deposits, I worked at the local library, and I was awarded a scholarship from the Itoh Foundation.
When it finally came time for me to go, I was both terrified and excited. I didn’t know the language or the rules. “Why did I even come here?!” I kept asking myself for three months after stepping off the plane in Narita to begin my year as an exchange student. I barely knew how to say common greetings, much less communicate with my new host family.
At first, I wondered why I had left my comfortable small town life to live in this new country. Even the simplest tasks seemed like a feat. I went from getting on a school bus every day to having to ride a bike to bike parking lot, store it (don’t forget your row!), get on a train, change trains and then walk to my school.
To be continued …
(公財)AFS日本協会 大阪北支部
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