私は本来、第28回のAFS Youth Assembly(以下、YA)に参加するために奨学金をいただいていましたが、査証申請の混雑状況により参加を断念しました。その後、第29回のYAに参加するための奨学金を改めていただきました。当初はアジア架け橋プロジェクトの一環として参加する予定でしたが、その後もAFSの多岐にわたる活動に関わり、AFS認定の Qualified Facilitator 資格を取得し、AFSのオンラインプログラム(SLJ、STEM、Acceleratorsなど)のファシリテーターを務めてきました。その結果として、今回YAのEducatorsアカデミーに参加する機会を得ました。

この奨学金のおかげで、2024年8月に1週間ニューヨークに滞在し、ニューヨーク州立大学(SUNY)で1週間のコースを受講しました。このコースは、グローバルシティズンシップ教育と国連の持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)に関する教育者向けワークショップです。その後、AFS Youth Assemblyに参加しました。これは、100か国以上から集まった優れた若手リーダーや社会起業家が、世界的な課題に取り組むために学び、交流し、行動を起こすことを目的とした2日間の会議です。このイベントで、世界中の参加者と出会い、彼らから学ぶことを何よりも楽しみにしていました。素晴らしい世界経験を持つ人々と意義深い対話を交わすことは、私が最も楽しむことの一つです。そして、もちろん、世界で最も魅力的な都市であるニューヨークに行くことも非常に楽しみでした。待ちに待った国連にもいくことができました。国連でYAに参加していた皆さんとWorld Youth Day をお祝いすることができました。


また、YAのパネルディスカッションにも参加し、特に「World Humanitarian Needs」や「Rebuilding from Humanitarian Crises」といったセッションがお気に入りでした。広島や長崎の経験を持つ日本が、平和構築に果たすべき役割について深く考えるきっかけとなりました。また、私自身がスリランカで開始した「Thuru Mithu」(植樹活動)というプロジェクトについても発表し、多くの参加者から貴重なフィードバック、意見、合作招待などをいただきました。これからも国際的な視点を持ちながら、このプロジェクトを世界中に広げていくことを目指しています。


このアカデミーを通じて、日本の大学生に強く伝えたいことは、国際的な視野を持つことの重要性です。日本は島国であり、国内に閉じこもりがちですが、グローバル化が進む現代社会においては、国際的な課題に積極的に関心を持ち、他国の文化や価値観を理解し、共に解決策を模索する姿勢が求められます。AFS Youth Assemblyのような国際的な場で得られる経験は、単なる知識の習得にとどまらず、自己成長にもつながる貴重な機会です。これからも、このような機会を活用して、自分自身を成長させ、社会に貢献していきたいと考えています。

2025年のYouth Assemblyへの参加を目指して、日本全国の大学生の皆さんに応募をお勧めします。この国際的なプラットフォームでは、世界中の若手リーダーや社会起業家と交流し、グローバルな課題について学ぶことができます。異文化理解を深め、将来のキャリアに繋がる貴重な経験を得る絶好の機会です。ぜひ、あなたも参加して、世界に向けて一歩踏み出してみませんか?

Tharusha Dilshan (大分中部支部)

29th AFS Youth Assembly (2024) Activity Report

I was originally awarded a scholarship to participate in the 28th AFS Youth Assembly (hereafter referred to as YA) in New York City from August 16-18, 2024. However, due to delays in the visa application process, I had to forgo that opportunity. Later, I received a scholarship to attend the 29th YA. Initially, I was supposed to participate as part of the Asia Kakehashi Project, but since then, I have been involved in various AFS activities, earning the qualification of an AFS Certified Facilitator and serving as a facilitator for AFS online programs such as SLJ, STEM, and Accelerators. As a result, I had the opportunity to participate in the YA Educators Academy this time.

Thanks to this scholarship, I was able to spend a week in New York this August and take a course at the State University of New York (SUNY). The course was an educators’ workshop focused on global citizenship education and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Following that, I participated in the AFS Youth Assembly, a two-day conference that brought together outstanding young leaders and social entrepreneurs from over 100 countries to learn, engage, and take action on global challenges. I was most excited about meeting and learning from interesting and intelligent people from around the world. Engaging in meaningful conversations with people who have incredible global experiences is something I deeply enjoy. Of course, I was also thrilled to visit New York, the world’s most fascinating city. I was finally able to visit the United Nations and celebrate World Youth Day with other YA participants at the UN.

During the Educators Academy, we discussed the SDGs with educators from various countries and explored how to develop educational programs with a global perspective. I specifically focused on SDG 16.7, which aims to “ensure inclusive, participatory, and representative decision-making processes,” and designed a program for Japanese high school students who will be studying abroad in Europe and the United States through AFS. My partner in this project was an American educator, and together we had in-depth discussions about the future of education. Through this international collaboration, I reaffirmed the importance of learning together with people from diverse cultural backgrounds and perspectives.
I also participated in several panel discussions during the YA, with “World Humanitarian Needs” and “Rebuilding from Humanitarian Crises” being my favorites. These sessions prompted me to think deeply about the role Japan, with its experiences in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, should play in peacebuilding. Additionally, I presented my project, “Thuru Mithu” (a reforestation initiative) that I started in Sri Lanka, and received valuable feedback, opinions, and invitations for collaboration from many participants. I aim to expand this project globally, keeping an international perspective in mind.
What stood out to me the most was the active exchange of ideas among participants. People from various countries shared the challenges and successes they faced in their respective regions, providing me with diverse perspectives. This experience made me reflect deeply on my role as an educator. I particularly felt the need to further promote diversity and inclusion in the Japanese educational environment.

Through this academy, I want to strongly convey to Japanese university students the importance of having a global perspective. Japan, as an island nation, tends to be insular, but in today’s globalized world, it is crucial to take an active interest in international issues, understand other cultures and values, and work together to find solutions. The experiences gained in international settings like the AFS Youth Assembly are not only about acquiring knowledge but are also invaluable opportunities for personal growth. I hope to continue utilizing such opportunities to grow as an individual and contribute to society.
I encourage university students across Japan to apply for the 2025 Youth Assembly. This international platform offers a unique opportunity to engage with young leaders and social entrepreneurs from around the world and learn about global challenges. It’s an excellent chance to deepen your intercultural understanding and gain experiences that will benefit your future career. Why not take a step forward and participate?

by Tharusha Dilshan (Oita Chubu Chapter)

この記事のカテゴリー: AFSからのお知らせ AFS活動レポート

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