架け橋留学生という観点から、1)日本人との日本語を使った対話 2)自国文化の再確認と異文化理解 3)日本での生活を理想的に送るために”今できること“そして”日本での目標“を考えるという目的を設け、様々なアクティビティを通してそれらを達成していきました。また日本語に触れてみる、使ってみる、そして話してみるという3段階の学びのステップを踏めるようにしました。

In April, 200 of Asia Kakehashi Program 3rd batch students were supposed to come to Japan. However, the program was postponed because of the corona virus crisis. We, AFS-JPN student volunteers decided to hold the Asia Kakehashi Online Learning Session on Zoom in order to get rid of their anxiety and motivate them towards the exchange program. In July and August, we organized and hosted five online sessions in cooperation with the Kakehashi alumni.
We set a three-learning step for the participants to learn Japanese; expose to Japanese, use and speak Japanese. The session was designed into three sections with three aims; have participants interact with Japanese, learn about their own cultures while understanding other cultures, and find what they can do now to prepare for the exchange. In the last part of the session, they shared their personal goals of their future stay in Japan. We achieved those aims through some fun activities.
Although it was our first time to host ‘online’ sessions with such a big number of participants from 17 different countries and regions, I am extremely happy that we could increase their motivation to the program. Moreover, the sessions were great opportunities for them to interact with other participants from other countries, their alumni and Japanese volunteers. I believe it was a positive aspect of having sessions via online. I do hope we can see each other in person in Japan soon.
(Suzuki, Shugo)

この記事のカテゴリー: AFS活動レポート

この記事のタグ   : アジア高校生架け橋プロジェクト Asia Kakehashi